Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A new addition to our team

Telspace Systems would like to congratulate and welcome Andries Burger. Andries beat some stiff competition and he has come on board the infosec team as a Junior Security Analyst. We wish you a warm welcome!

For our clients this new addition to our dedicated team brings some new knowledge and better service delivery to our clients.

Telspace Systems is always looking out for new talent and we are currently in the process of hiring even more analysts, if you think you make the cut please contact us.

1995 all over again.

Last night an exploit was released affecting all Windows7 and Vista(Fully patched) servers. We have also confirmed in our lab that this exploit also works against windows server 2008.

The exploit allows for remote denial of service attacks against any of these server.

The bug lies in the SMB2.0. ( )

Microsoft has recommended that that the SMB port(445) be blocked until Microsoft releases a patch.

More can be read here: